As we previously reported one of the benches in the porch of St Mary’s church Lymm was completely destroyed by vandals during the evening or night of Friday 12 January. Unfortunately, the bench on the other side of the porch is also showing signs of damage and we still find litter, sputum, debris and used empty drugs packets within the porch area. So we are looking to install gates at the front of the porch would mean we could securely prevent access to the porch when the church was not open. The wardens are currently seeking three quotes for the provision of gates but we believe we are looking in the region of £5,000. We have a great deal of building maintenance before us this year with permanent repairs to the ceiling and five year annual survey of the church in the autumn to identify future repair work. Therefore we are launching an appeal to raise funds initially for the provision of gates and if we raise more than the amount needed for the installation of gates this will go to general maintenance of the ceiling, roof and building maintenance. If you would like to send a donation please send a cheque made payable to “Lymm PCC” sent to 46 Rectory Lane, Lymm WA13 0AL
Reverend Beverley Jameson Rector at St Mary’s Lymm said “I know the people of Lymm are remarkably generous. We have already received donations from individuals and Lymm & District Round Table. St Mary’s has been at the heart of the Lymm for hundreds of years I pray we can be at the heart of our community, protect the building from vandals, the wind the hail and the rain to enable us to open our doors to everyone. Please consider giving a donation”