Rev Bev’s Harvest Lymm Dam Run for NSPKU 30 September 2018

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare genetic disorder, which causes severe brain damage. With a restricted low protein diet it is treatable. Five year old Florence Barham, a member of St Mary’s, has the condition. As harvest is all about giving thanks for food, Rev Bev will run around Lymm Dam fives times, as Florence is five years old directly after our informal family Harvest Service. Florence is a delightful, happy, bright little girl, but without a special diet, it could have been so very different for her. The service is at 10.00am Sunday 30 September and the run will start around 11.00am.  All money raised will go to support The National Society for Phenylketonuria (NSPKU). Donations can be made directly to the NSPKU bank account using the reference RevBev/Lymm to Account name:- NSPKU (UK) Ltd Sort code:- 40-37-25 Account number:- 43952118 There will also be official collection tubs on the day and at St Mary’s Church. Please make cheques payable to NSPKU. Gift aid forms are also available at the church. St Mary’s will be holding a bring and share picnic at the church after the Harvest Service. Everyone is warmly invited to join us for the informal fun Harvest Service and / or for the picnic afterwards as we cheer Rev Bev round Lymm Dam. People are also welcome to join Rev Bev as she goes around Lymm Dam, but if you do, please also raise funds for NSPKU. Sponsorship forms be downloaded at

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