St Mary’s Lymm finances have been affected by the closure of St Mary’s Church Hall due to COVID. In 2019 income from the church hall was £18,847. To the end of November 2020 income was £8,982 around £10,000 short on our usual income. We have also been unable to hold events (e.g. St Mary’s Teas, Community Christmas Tree Festival) which help with our income. Yet, the gas and electric bills, insurances and repairs still have to be paid for both church and church hall. We have also had major repairs to the church hall costing nearly £4,000
Traditionally Christians remember the visit of the wise men bringing gifts to Jesus at Epiphany. It is also remembered as the 12 days of Christmas, From Christmas Day to Epiphany the 6 January Could you possibly just give 10% of what you may spend on Christmas to St Mary’s Church?
If you are a tax payer please use the gift aid form below so we can claim an extra 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate
Please make cheques payable to “Lymm PCC” and send together with the gift aid form to St Mary’s Lymm Epiphany Gift, 7 Old Smithy Lane, Lymm, WA13 0NW
Online payments to Account Name – Lymm Parochial Church Council, Sort Code 20-01-96 Account number 90703893. Please email the gift aid form to
Please give generously between now and the 6 January to help us carry on in these COVID troubled times.