Prayer Diary

May Prayer Diary


‘Breathe on us breath of God, fill us with life a new’. Lord God, may the Holy Spirit blow through our lives, that those around us may also see your transforming power, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Roads in our Parish


1st Cherry Tree Avenue St Rocco’s Hospice, for the nursing staff and carers
2nd Holly Bank Our Armed Forces serving in Afghanistan
3rd Mayfield Court Our Local Councillors
4th Booths Lane The Queen and the Royal Family
5th The Avenue Our Rector and Ministry Team
6th Massey Avenue Those planning a religious retreat or pilgrimage
7th Beech Grove Youth Chaplains
8th Massey Brook Lane The Legal Profession
9th Highfield Road Our keeping of Ascension Day
10th Hilltop Road Local play groups, their leaders and children
11th Highfield Drive The blind and partially sighted
12th Hardy Road & Lyme Grove Our Rector and church cleaners
13th Heyes Drive Cherrytree C.P. School, Staff, Pupils and Governors
14th Egerton Road Rural Deans especially Alec Brown
15th Wychwood Avenue For Christian Aid workers and volunteer collectors
16th Old Smithy Lane Students and pupils preparing to take exams
17th Ridgeway Gardens The Church Missionary Society and its work in Africa
18th Ash Road Sufferers of HIV and AIDS.
19th Oak Road Our Rector and his family
20th Newfield Road The unemployed and those recently made redundant
21st Moston Grove Non Parochial Clergy
22nd West Hyde LEPRA and those working to stamp out Leprosy
23rd Grove Court The Fire Service
24th Hawthorn Road Grandparents separated from their Grandchildren by distance or Divorce
25th Grove Avenue Local Shopkeepers
26th The Anchorage Our Rector and Churchwardens
27th Church Gardens Those addicted to drugs
28th Daisy Bank Road Non Stipendiary Ministers
29th Barsbank Lane Families affected by domestic violence
30th Barsbank Close Religious Authors and writers of hymns and Church music
31st Thornley Road Social Workers